Clean water, sanitation, and health education are catalysts for change. Lives are saved and health and living standards are improved. Reliable access to clean water also paves the way to new opportunities. People gain time and are able to grow crops. Where the burden of fetching water often falls upon children, they are instead able to go to school. Through the construction of wells and water systems, training on health and sanitation, HOPE’s programs sustainably uplift whole communities in taking the first step out of poverty.
The majority of the families that HOPE works with live on less than 100 yen a day. HOPE’s micro-credit programs extend loans at low interest rates to give people an opportunity to establish a reliable source of income, while also empowering them with training on financial literacy, management, and accountability. With a special focus on women, the program also improves the status of women and encourages participants to develop plans that will benefit others. Communities are strengthened, as people learn together and support one another on the road to financial stability.
Education is an integral part of assisting youth in creating better opportunities for themselves and their communities. HOPE works in education by constructing schools, creating sustainable work environments for teachers, and enabling youth who otherwise would not have the means to access education to further their learning. Supporting the education of youth is not only to support improvements in their lives, but also to support future generations and the future of sustainable community development.
カンボジア 井戸500基が設置され、15,000人が貧困から自立へと歩みはじめました。 ホープ・ネットワークがボジアで活動を始めたのは1991年。...
エチオピア 2001年のホープ・インターナショナル開発機構設立以降、13の村で給水システムを建設し、27,000人以上に安全な水を届けています! ...
フィリピン 186名の先住民族の若者たちが学位を力に仕事を得て、地元に戻ってコミュニティーのために尽くしています。...
インド 家族の貧困からの自立を支援しています。 ホープ・インターナショナル開発機構は2001年からインドのタミル・ナードゥ州で貧困家庭の生活改善のための「家族の絆 ファミリータイズ」プロジェクトを行っています。...
日本 被災地域の生活と経済の立て直しを支援 2011年3月11日の東日本大震災発生直後から、ホープを通して東北の支援がしたいとの声が多く寄せられました。...
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